Study Journal 1

Jan 13 – Definition of Ethics – Reason, Logic, & Logical Fallacies

  • Let your learning increase your testimony instead of damage it.
  • I find my self often using the logical fallacy of “Appeal to Authority” and should attempt to avoid this.
  • If ethics has a clearly defined line, then why is there so much debate about what is ethical an unethical or who is the authority on ethics?

Jan 15 – Critical Observation & the Orders of Ignorance

  • Often it is a better learning opportunity to not provide all the answers, but let a person discover it for themselves.
  • Sometimes you must do things for that you don’t like
  • Must be teachable (humble). Seek the Lord’s help for this.
  • The fifth order of ignorance almost seems like something tossed in so the list would have four items instead of five.

Jan 20 – Ethical Foundations in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

  • Necessary to keep an eternal perspective.
  • What exactly do the Church leaders mean by there is no “situational ethics”? I think it means that you can’t use the excuse that my situation is different/special so I can do unethical things. Versus: I don’t know what is ethical in this situation so I’ll seek out the guidance of the Lord to know what to do.
  • Ethics seems like the study and application of morals, rather than being a synonym for morals.



Unsorted notes from readings:

Noel B. Reynolds, Reason and Revelation, BYU Devotional Address, June 30, 1981
– Emotion != spiritual experience

Dallin H. Oaks, “Focus and Priorities” (Ensign, May 2001)
– Chuckled at the mention of compact disks
– Very good, made me look at what my focus and priorities are.
– Made me think of the things I need to change.
– Made me want to spend more quality time with my family.

David B. Haight, “Ethics and Honesty” (Ensign, October 1987)
– Says no “situational ethics”
– Must have ethics.
– Society depends on ethics

Richard B. Wirthlin, “Four Absolute Truths Provide an Unfailing Moral Compass”
– Again mentions no situational ethics
– Mentions that many Americans believe in God. It is also true that many of those who profess they believe in God don’t believe in Satan.

David A. Bednar, “And Nothing Shall Offend Them” (Ensign, October 2006)
– You can choose how to react to others.

D&C 9
– We have the ability to discover for ourselves what is right and wrong.

D&C 64:8-11
– I will forgive others.

Articles of Faith 13
– Good list of attributes to strive for.

Alma 14
– Stand up for what is right.

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