Loss of Trust Due to Hacking – Analysis Paper

Computer hacking can potentially cause monetary, emotional, and even physical damage. Even if there is no apparent damage caused by a hacker’s attack, trust is damaged by all forms of hacking. This loss of trust has far reaching effects; in the Cuckoo’s Egg Clifford Stoll says that hacking isn’t “measured in dollars ripped off, but rather in trust lost” (196). Continue reading Loss of Trust Due to Hacking – Analysis Paper

Study Journal 3 – Law & Computing

Feb 10 – IP:  Patents, Copyrights, Trade Secrets, & NDAs

  • Intellectual property rights can help promote research by allowing companies to know that they can monetize the results and recuperate their losses. At the same time the lack of sharing can hamper other researchers.
  • It seems the more you dig into a topic the more problems you discover that have no clear answer.
  • Interesting that reverse engineering is allowed and illegal.
  • Intellectual property is a part of life, therefore I should keep learning about it.

Post 1 – Hackers

In the Cuckoo’s Egg the author asks “what word describes someone who breaks into computers?”1 This is an interesting question that still hasn’t been answered even 15 years after the author asked it. The media would call them hackers, but now a days people will use the word hacker to describe someone who is cheating or just exceptionally good at something. Continue reading Post 1 – Hackers

Current Event Post 1


In our increasing digital world it is becoming harder to protect our personal data, the above article proposes an interesting solution to the problem. I think Professor Jon Crowcroft’s idea has merit given the success of other peer-to-peer networks such as Bitcoin and BitTorrent. The biggest problem to such a network is adoption. To succeed it will require an application that is easy to setup and use, and easily found. With the increasing threats to our personal data I hope that someone takes the ideas presented in the article and implements them. However, I don’t agree with the idea of a pay-per-use system given that a peer-to-peer system depends on the contributions of the user’s computer power and network connection to work instead of a centralized corporate server.

Study Journal 1

Jan 13 – Definition of Ethics – Reason, Logic, & Logical Fallacies

  • Let your learning increase your testimony instead of damage it.
  • I find my self often using the logical fallacy of “Appeal to Authority” and should attempt to avoid this.
  • If ethics has a clearly defined line, then why is there so much debate about what is ethical an unethical or who is the authority on ethics?

Jan 15 – Critical Observation & the Orders of Ignorance Continue reading Study Journal 1